Aggregation task_id

I am trying to project the task_id to be part of my index name or to have it as fields in the aggregated events.

I try to have it as %{[task_id]} or some other forms, but without success.

Any idea how to be able to expose it?

My Grok filter is:

            grok {
                  break_on_match => true
                  keep_empty_captures => false
                  match => {
                       message => [
                 patterns_dir => "C:\DoLense\Patterns\patterns"

My aggregation filter is:

                  aggregate {
                          task_id => "%{inputserver}_%{exceptiontype}_%{apiname}"
                          code => " map['totalProcessTime'] ||= 0;
                                    map['counter'] ||= 0;
                                    map['counter'] += 1;
                                    map['totalProcessTime'] += event.get('cputimeinmillisec') 
                          push_map_as_event_on_timeout  => true
                          timeout => 50
                          timeout_tags => ['_aggregatetimeout']
                          timeout_code => "event.set('avgProcessTime' , ( event.get('totalProcessTime') / event.get('counter') ) );
                                           event.set('aggregation' , 'true');
                                           event.set('entity' , 'cmserver');

event.set('aggregationfields' , '(event.get('inputserver')_event.get('exceptiontype')_event.get('apiname') )' );

                  } # aggregate

My aggregation output is:

     if [aggregation] == "true" {
           elasticsearch  {
                 hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
                 index => "logstashaggregation%{[entity]}%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
           stdout { codec => rubydebug }


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