I'm happy to announce the availability of Httpbeat 3.1.1.
Httpbeat is a Beat which polls HTTP endpoints in a regular interval and sends the HTTP request and response as an event to a configured shipper, e.g. elasticsearch and logstash.
Example use cases are:
- Monitoring of Apache Stats
- Monitoring of Java application with Jolokia
- Monitoring of Spring Boot Actuators
Release 3.1.1 contains the following changes:
Starting with this release pre-compiled binaries for different operating systems are available under the respective tag in the github project.
Bugfix release containing the following changes:
- Move files into correct place to allow correct bulding with
make package
- Move files into correct place to allow correct bulding with
make update
- Cleanup of documentation
More information can be found on github.
For ideas, bug reports etc. please create an issue on github and/or create a pull request.