[ANNOUNCEMENT] logstash-input-firebase released

A new Logstash input plugin called logstash-input-firebase is now available to retrieve data out of your Firebase real-time databases.

This plugin can work in two modes:

  1. get mode: Retrieve the value of database references on a fixed schedule (at midnight, every 5 minutes, etc)
  2. stream mode: Retrieve the value of database references in real-time as it changes (via the streaming REST API)

We're still working on a few kinks (complex filtering stuff, etc) but aside from that the input is fully functional.
The input is available and documented here: https://github.com/consulthys/logstash-input-firebase

Also watch out for the sister output plugin coming out soon, which will allow you to sink your Logstash events to Firebase: https://github.com/consulthys/logstash-output-firebase

PS: Thanks to the good folks at Codementor for providing the excellent rest-firebase Ruby library to interact with the Firebase REST API.

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