Apm agent misses some requests

When the developer came to me, I found out that apm didn't log some requests, I don't know why.
I can see the request record in the log, but I can't find any data for this request on the apm UI.

I didn't put any restrictions on apm agent, even if I execute the request repeatedly, the apm agent still doesn't have any records.

  "ElasticApm": {
    "LogLevel": "Info",
    "ServerName": "Lonsid_CBS_Web_Host",
    "ServerUrls": "http://apm-server.elastic:8200",
    "TransactionSampleRate": 1.0,
    "CaptureBody": "all",
    "CaptureBodyContentTypes": "*",
    "SanitizeFieldNames": "password, passwd, pwd",
    "CloudProvider": "none"