APM client node.js ResponseError

Kibana version: 7.10.2

Elasticsearch version: 7.10.2

APM Server version: 7.10.2

APM Agent language and version: node.js 3.10.0

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: APT repository

Fresh install or upgraded from other version? Fresh Install

Is there anything special in your setup? 1 Load balancer (haproxy) in front of apm-server

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant): node.js client is constantly receiving a ResponseError from apm-server. The communication is encrypted and the authentication is made with api keys

Steps to reproduce:

  1. fresh install of apm-server
  2. generation of api key from cli:
    apm-server apikey create --ingest --agent-config --sourcemap --name
  3. configuration of node.js elastic agent

Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant):

This is how I configured APM-server:

       host: "********************:8200"
         enabled: true
         certificate: '/etc/apm-server/ssl/********************.crt'
         key: '/etc/apm-server/ssl/********************.key'
       secret_token: ***************************
         enabled: true
           hosts: ["********************:9200"]
           protocol: "https"
           username: "********************"
           password: "********************"
           ssl.enabled: true
           ssl.verification_mode: none
           ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/apm-server/elasticsearch-ca.pem"]
         enabled: true
           limit: 600
           lru_size: 1000
         allow_origins : ['*']
         enabled: true
         host: "********************:5601"
         protocol: "https"
         username: "********************"
         password: "********************"
         ssl.verification_mode: none
         ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/apm-server/elasticsearch-ca.pem"]
     setup.template.enabled: true
         number_of_shards: 1
         number_of_replicas: 0
       hosts: ["********************:9200"]
       protocol: "https"
       username: "********************"
       password: "********************"
       ssl.verification_mode: none
       ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/apm-server/elasticsearch-ca.pem"]
     logging.level: debug
     logging.to_files: true
       path: /var/log/apm-server
       name: apm-server
       keepfiles: 7

elastic -> elasticsearch -> Transport.js -> onBody -> console.log

       method: 'HEAD',
       path: '/_template/template_logs',
       body: null,
       querystring: '',
       headers: {
         'user-agent': 'elasticsearch-js/7.10.0 (darwin 20.3.0-x64; Node.js v14.13.0)'
       timeout: 20000

elastic -> elasticsearch -> Transport.js -> onBody -> console.log

       body: true,
       statusCode: 403,
       headers: {
         'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
         'content-length': '281'
       meta: {
         context: null,
         request: { params: [Object], options: {}, id: 4 },
         name: 'elasticsearch-js',
         connection: {
           url: 'https://elastic01***********:9200/',
           id: 'https://elastic01************:9200/',
           headers: {},
           deadCount: 0,
           resurrectTimeout: 0,
           _openRequests: 0,
           status: 'alive',
           roles: [Object]
         attempts: 0,
         aborted: false

elastic-apm-node -> lib -> agent.js -> send -> console.log(error)

       exception: {
         message: 'Response Error',
         type: 'ResponseError',
         module: '@elastic/elasticsearch',
         stacktrace: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
         handled: undefined
       culprit: 'onBody (node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/Transport.js)',
       id: '5db70a535a386390f0950cb8d0a2bdce',
       parent_id: undefined,
       trace_id: undefined,
       timestamp: 1612965003106000,
       context: { user: {}, tags: {}, custom: {} }
         filename: 'node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/Transport.js',
         lineno: 324,
         function: 'onBody',
         library_frame: true,
         abs_path: '/Users/************/Documents/Repositories/process-api-orders/node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/Transport.js',
         pre_context: [ '', '' ],
         context_line: '        const error = new ResponseError(result)',
         post_context: [
           "        this.emit('response', error, result)",
           '        callback(error, result)'
         filename: 'node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/Transport.js',
         lineno: 240,
         function: 'onEnd',
         library_frame: true,
         abs_path: '/Users/************/Documents/Repositories/process-api-orders/node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/Transport.js',
         pre_context: [
           '          unzip(Buffer.concat(payload), onBody)',
           '        } else {'
         context_line: '          onBody(null, payload)',
         post_context: [ '        }', '      }' ]
         filename: 'events.js',
         lineno: 326,
         function: 'emit',
         library_frame: true,
         abs_path: 'events.js'
         filename: '_stream_readable.js',
         lineno: 1252,
         function: 'endReadableNT',
         library_frame: true,
         abs_path: '_stream_readable.js'
         filename: 'internal/process/task_queues.js',
         lineno: 80,
         function: 'processTicksAndRejections',
         library_frame: true,
         abs_path: 'internal/process/task_queues.js'

The apikey is created with elastic user (superuser), I've modified the source to see where i'm receiving the Forbidden error.

It seems something related to /_template/template_logs:

    curl -k -i --head  -H "Authorization: ApiKey ****************************" https://elastic01*****************:9200/_template/template_logs
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    content-length: 335

Hello Mirko. Thanks for all the details!

Correct me if I'm wrong. Your "process-api-orders" app is using the "@elastic/elasticsearch" client. From your details it looks like the "403 Forbidden" error is from you app talking to Elasticsearch (a service on port 9200), rather than from the APM Agent in your app talking to the apm-server (a service on port 8200).

Is it possible you are using the API key generated by apm-server apikey ... to talk to Elasticsearch? My (inexperienced) understanding is that that API key is only for the APM Agent to talk to the apm-server. The auth parameters for using the "@elastic/elasticsearch" client to talk to Elasticsearch would be different.


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