I am not being able to audit the transactions against my Vert.x application using the Java agent for this purpose.
According to the documentation:
there is an experimental support for Vert.x since version 1.0.24
With other technologies (for example JAX-RS running on Payara) I had no problems.
The agent configuration was passed as a parameter in the initialization of the artifact:
-javaagent: /path-to/elastic-apm-agent-1.24.0.jar
-Delastic.apm.service_name = service-name
-Delastic.apm.config_file = /path-to-config
Currently It's only auditing the app metrics but no transactions.
The versions I use are:
APM Java Agent: 1.0.24
Vert.x Web: 3.9.3
Java: 1.8.0_13
Do you have any idea what the problem could be?
I tried on the other hand to use the @CaptureTransaction annotation
And although in this case it audit the transactions, it is not auditing information related to the Http request (http.response.status_code for example).