Kibana version: 7.16.3
Elasticsearch version: 7.16.3
APM Server version: 7.16.3
APM Agent language and version: Java 1.30
Browser version: Chrome 110.0.5481.100
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: SpringBoot - Application JRE11 (2.6.13) with maven
Hello all,
I am currently having a hard time understanding the assignment of the event.outcome
field for a transaction of type http-request
From your point of view, what should be the value of the event.outcome
field of a transaction when our microservice makes a REST call to another microservice and the microservice acknowledges the request with HTTP.NOT_FOUND (code 404)? The REST call is captured in a span below the transaction.
If I understand the documentation (apm/ at main · elastic/apm · GitHub) correctly, then in the above case the span must be set to event.outcome: failure
What does this then mean for the parent transaction above it - event.outcome:failure
The question arises for us because we see in our data that the transaction is set to event.outcome: success
even though a span listed below it has been assigned event.outcome: failure
Thank you for some feedback!
Kind regards,