Kibana version: 7.4.2
Elasticsearch version : 7.4.2
APM Server version: apm-server-oss:7.2.1
I'm trying to create a container apm-server but when I try to use environment variable as this and I've tried this as well [${ES_HOST:? "http://localhost:9200"}]
it return an error
2020-05-18T20:52:17.956Z INFO instance/beat.go:292 Setup Beat: apm-server; Version: 7.2.1
2020-05-18T20:52:17.957Z INFO instance/beat.go:385 apm-server stopped.
2020-05-18T20:52:17.957Z ERROR instance/beat.go:877 Exiting: error initializing publisher: missing field accessin
this is my docker file
COPY apm-server.yml /usr/share/apm-server/apm-server.yml
USER root
RUN export ES_HOSTS="host:443"
RUN chown apm-server /usr/share/apm-server/apm-server.yml
RUN chmod go-w /usr/share/apm-server/apm-server.yml
USER apm-server
this is my apm-server.yml
#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
hosts: '${ES_HOSTS}'