APM timeline for redis,mysql or other application

How to look at the cache of the requested time-consuming records, I used redis and mysql but only the DB

Which language/agent is this for? Some agents have Redis instrumentation, some have not yet implemented it.

java language, which agents have Redis instrumentation?

The Node.js, Python, Ruby, and Go (next release) agents do have Redis instrumentation, but unfortunately the Java agent does not currently have it. You can see what is supported for Java here:

If you haven't yet, please fill out the Java agent survey to let us know which things you would like to see: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScd0RYiwZGrEuxykYkv9z8Hl3exx_LKCtjsqEo1OWx8BkLrOQ/viewform. This will help us prioritise future work.

In the mean time, you could try using the Java agent's API to create spans around Redis operations: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/java/current/public-api.html.


thank you very much

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