[APM] Using custom tags and labels for Latency and Error correlations

We are using Java/Kotlin OpenTelemetry SDK on our spring micro services. We would like to use new feature to analyse error and latency correlations more here - Find transaction latency and failure correlations | Kibana Guide [8.11] | Elastic

We are also currently using java OTEL agent to automatically create some OTEL data etc. - Automatic Instrumentation | OpenTelemetry

I have been playing around APM and correlation analysis and found out that when creating span labels, they are NOT recognised in the correlation calculations. Is there a way how this can be done ?

From my understanding only the top-level span and its attributes will be used when analysing the correlations. Is there any easy way to add some attributes when using Java open telemetry agent - the 2 top level spans are created by the agent and AFAIK I can't add attributes to them.
and I can't access them directly to add data to them.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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