Append field to json

Hi, i have this json message:
i want append filed to this json and send to kafka. What i want:
How should I do this? thanks.

How are you sending it to kafka?


my logstash config is:

input {
  kafka {
        bootstrap_servers => ""
        group_id => "all_topic"
        topics => ["topic1", "topic2"]
        auto_offset_reset => "earliest"
        decorate_events => true
output {
  if ([@metadata][kafka][topic] == "topic1") {
     kafka {
       bootstrap_servers => ""
       topic_id => "new_topic1"
       codec => line { format => "%{message}" }
  if ([@metadata][kafka][topic] == "topic2") {
      kafka {
       bootstrap_servers => ""
       topic_id => "new_topic2"
       codec => line { format => "%{message}" }

and message is json format from server
I want after send to server add field to message, this like:

I add filter like this:

filter {
  json {
     source => "message"
     mutate { add_field => {"tag" => "%{[message][server1]}"}}
     mutate { add_field => {"tag" => "server1"}  }
     mutate { add_field => {"[@metadata][tag]" => "server1"} }

But nothing happens. No fields are added in any way.

my new config:

input {
  kafka {
        bootstrap_servers => ""
        group_id => "all_topic"
        topics => ["topic1", "topic2"]
        auto_offset_reset => "earliest"
        decorate_events => true
filter {
  json {
     source => "message"
     add_field => {"tag" => "hello"}
     add_tag => [ "mytag" ]
     id => "my_id"
     remove_field => [ "color" ]
     mutate { add_field => {"tag" => "%{[message][my_tag]}"}}
     mutate { add_field => {"tag" => "my_tag"}  }
     mutate { add_field => {"[@metadata][tag]" => "my_tag"} }
     mutate { add_field => {"[docs][test]" => "my_tag"} }
output {
  if ([@metadata][kafka][topic] == "topic1") {
     kafka {
       bootstrap_servers => ""
       topic_id => "new_topic1"
       codec => line { format => "%{message}" }
  if ([@metadata][kafka][topic] == "topic2") {
      kafka {
       bootstrap_servers => ""
       topic_id => "new_topic2"
       codec => line { format => "%{message}" }

I checked all method and filter but Field or tag not added or field not remove and output is the original json message.

You are confusing the event and the message field on the event.

Let's start with a generator input and a stdout output.

input { generator { count => 1 message => '{"id": 123456, "time": "20190225", "color": "black", "result": 1}' } }

filter {

output { stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => false } } }

This gets us this event

      "host" => "",
  "@version" => "1",
   "message" => "{\"id\": 123456, \"time\": \"20190225\", \"color\": \"black\", \"result\": 1}",
"@timestamp" => 2019-04-09T12:13:19.831Z,
  "sequence" => 0

The message field is what we added with the generator input, and logstash has added 4 other fields to the event. If we then add a json filter

filter {
    json { source => "message" }

Our event acquires additional fields, but the [message] field is unchanged.

  "sequence" => 0,
      "host" => "",
      "time" => "20190225",
     "color" => "black",
"@timestamp" => 2019-04-09T12:15:31.618Z,
   "message" => "{\"id\": 123456, \"time\": \"20190225\", \"color\": \"black\", \"result\": 1}",
  "@version" => "1",
        "id" => 123456,
    "result" => 1

We can then add a field

    mutate { add_field => { "tag" => "server1" } }

and the [message] field is still unchanged, but the event acquires another field

       "tag" => "server1",

You are referencing the [message] field in your outputs, so you get what is in that field.

We can switch the output codec

output { stdout { codec => json_lines } }

and we start getting JSON output

{"sequence":0,"host":"","time":"20190225","color":"black","@timestamp":"2019-04-09T12:18:13.010Z","message":"{\"id\": 123456, \"time\": \"20190225\", \"color\": \"black\", \"result\": 1}","tag":"server1","@version":"1","id":123456,"result":1}

If you do not want all the extra fields then you can

 mutate { remove_field => [ "@timestamp", "@version", "host", "message", "sequence" ] }

and just get

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thanks a lot @Badger. You were right. I was confused.With your good training; my problem was solved

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