Arcsight Plugin Port Unopened


I have the module in my logstash.yml.


  • name: arcsight ""
    var.inputs: "smartconnector"
    var.elasticsearch.hosts: "localhost:9200"
    var.input.smartconnector.port: "5000"
    var.elasticsearch.hosts: "localhost:9200"
    var.kibana.scheme: "https"
    var.kibana.ssl.enabled: "true"
    var.kibana.ssl.verification_mode: "disable"

I cannot telnet to localhost 5000, and I do not see it opened in a netstat command. No firewall is running. Anyone see what is wrong here?

There is not a lot of documentation on how plugins work. I assume I don't need input files if the settings are in the logstash.yml.

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