Automatic Parse Compied to Folder

How do I make logstash such that it will automatically parse files that are copied into a folder.

I have a script that moves files into the a folder once every 5 hours.

Right now I have to open the log file do
a select all and delete -> Save -> undo -> Save
before the file can be parsed.

How do I make logstash such that it will automatically parse files that are copied into a folder.

That's how Logstash normally works.

Right now I have to open the log file do
a select all and delete -> Save -> undo -> Save
before the file can be parsed.

What's the modification time of the files as they're copied into the directory? The file input's ignore_older option might come into play. Other than that it might be inode reuse. Running Logstash with --verbose will give you extra clues.