Avoid duplicates code in Logstash

I have a problem I want to measure the execution time between each step of a log. So I use Elapsed Filter but I can have hundred step in a logs how can I delete duplicate code like this :

elapsed {
            unique_id_field => "id"
            start_tag => "Step 1"
            end_tag => "Step 2"
            new_event_on_match => true
            add_tag => "1->2"

elapsed {
            unique_id_field => "id"
            start_tag => "Step 2"
            end_tag => "Step 3"
            new_event_on_match => true
            add_tag => "2->3"


elapsed {
            unique_id_field => "id"
            start_tag => "Step 99"
            end_tag => "Step 100"
            new_event_on_match => true
            add_tag => "99->100"

Do there is a way to generate this code with variable or loop ?

The only way I can think of to do this would be to use a ruby filter and re-purpose much of the code from the elapsed filter. Instead of just storing a single timestamp for the id you would have to rewrite it to store a hash of step start/end times.

This seems difficult, especially since I'm not familiar with Ruby. The first thing to do is change start_tag end end_tag to an array with [Step 1, Step 2 ...] for start_tag end [Step 2, Step 3...] for the end_tag ?

config :start_tag, :validate => :string, :required => true

  # The name of the tag identifying the "end event"
 config :end_tag, :validate => :string, :required => true

I will change to that and after I don't know what can I do

config :start_tags, :validate => :array, :required => true
config :end_tags, :validate => :array, :required => true

I had some time to look at this and think you can do it with an aggregate filter. Note that pipeline.ordered must evaluate to true and pipeline.workers must be set to 1.

Consider the input file

{ "id": 1, "tags": [ "step_1", "pest_1", "foo" ], "@timestamp": "2024-05-04T11:40:38.132Z" }
{ "id": 2, "tags": [ "step_1" ], "@timestamp": "2024-05-04T11:40:38.132Z" }
{ "id": 2, "tags": [ "step_2" ], "@timestamp": "2024-05-04T11:40:38.444Z" }
{ "id": 1, "tags": [ "step_2" ], "@timestamp": "2024-05-04T11:40:38.555Z" }
{ "id": 1, "tags": [ "step_3" ], "@timestamp": "2024-05-04T11:40:42.232Z" }
{ "id": 2, "tags": [ "step_4" ], "@timestamp": "2024-05-04T11:40:39.333Z" }
{ "id": 2, "tags": [ "step_5" ], "@timestamp": "2024-05-04T11:40:44.123Z" }

That can be processed using

    aggregate {
        task_id => "%{id}"
        code => '
                step = event.get("tags").select { |tag| tag =~ /^step_\d+/ }
                stepNo = step[0].sub(/^step_/, "")

                map["steps"] ||= {}
                map["steps"][stepNo.to_s] = event.get("@timestamp")
            rescue StandardError => e
                puts e.to_s
        push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
        timeout_task_id_field => "user_id"
        timeout => 10
        timeout_code => '
                steps = event.get("steps")
                steps = steps.sort_by { |k, v| k}

                lastValue ||= []
                steps.each { |k,v|
                    if lastValue != [] # Skip first item
                        event.set("step_#{k}_#{lastValue[0]}", v - lastValue[1])
                    lastValue = [k, v]
            rescue StandardError => e
                puts e.to_s

to produce (in addition to the source events) two events like this

"@timestamp" => 2024-05-04T16:36:49.678604952Z,
     "steps" => {
    "2" => 2024-05-04T11:40:38.555Z,
    "3" => 2024-05-04T11:40:42.232Z,
    "1" => 2024-05-04T11:40:38.132Z
  "@version" => "1",
  "step_3_2" => 3.677,
   "user_id" => "1",
  "step_2_1" => 0.423
"@timestamp" => 2024-05-04T16:36:49.679253516Z,
     "steps" => {
    "2" => 2024-05-04T11:40:38.444Z,
    "1" => 2024-05-04T11:40:38.132Z,
    "4" => 2024-05-04T11:40:39.333Z,
    "5" => 2024-05-04T11:40:44.123Z
  "@version" => "1",
  "step_4_2" => 0.889,
  "step_5_4" => 4.79,
   "user_id" => "2",
  "step_2_1" => 0.312

Obviously this can be adjusted in many, many ways.