Backing off for 0 seconds

I am getting the following error - My configuration is as follows:

Spring Java based Application running on Tomcat Server 9.
ELK stack 6.5.3 (running dockerized)
Running the application from eclipse with the following launch configuration

-Delastic.apm.service_name="solumina"  -Delastic.apm.application_packages="com.ibaset" -Delastic.apm.server_urls="http://localhost:8200" -javaagent:"/Users/host/dev/exec-scripts/elastic-apm-agent-1.1.0.jar"

Getting the following warnings and no logs in kibana

2018-12-18 11:14:37.013 [apm-reporter] INFO - Backing off for 0 seconds (±10%)
2018-12-18 11:14:37.013 [apm-reporter] WARN - Unexpected end of file from server
2018-12-18 11:14:37.013 [apm-reporter] WARN - null

Has anyone run into this?

Hi and thanks for evaluating Elastic APM!

A few questions:

Do you see this error repeatedly (backoff increases 0s, 1s, 4s, 9s, ...) or only once in a while?

Could you have a look in the APM Server logs to see what is going on at that time?


Repeatedly as you mentioned. I think its something with eclipse. I ran it on a standalone tomcat and it works. So I am going to close it for now.

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