Beat Event Field "IP datatype"

How do I add Beat Event Field with IP datatype?
fields.Put("client.ip", net.ParseIP(clientIP)) adds string field...

You need to specify this mapping through an index template in Elasticsearch.

Beat creates index template (if it’s not there already) based on fields.yml.
Could you tell how IP datatype should be defined there, please?

filebeat fields.yml has following lines:
- name: remote_ip
type: keyword
description: >
Client IP address.

I don’t think “keyword” type defines IP datatype...
Am I wrong about it?

You should use "type: ip". Here's an example in heartbeat:

A bit broader/general question:
Looks like string and long field types are recognized properly.
date type is recognized for @timestamp field only.
Does it mean all NOT (string OR long) field types need to be defined in fields.yml?

BTW: Not sure if this is a bug, but:
When a beat is compiled with\elastic\beats from 05/19/18
@timestamp field is not recognized as date type when new index pattern is created.
It does work properly with\elastic\beats from 05/02/18

Don’t know where to reports this...

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