Beats Overhead Topbeat and Packetbeat

Dear Team,

May I request you to help me understand what is the resource overhead of deploying topbeat and packetbeat
with respect to default configurations.. impact on

  1. Storage space
  2. CPU utilization
  3. Memory utilization

Also is there a document which gives insights about performance and efficiency of topbeat and packetbeat.

We are also try to infer based on our systems and deployments but looking forwards to some benchmarks....

Kindly help.

Regards, Chirag Shah

We unfortunately don't have such a document at the moment, and it would be pretty hard to create one because there are so many factors that matter. I'd recommend doing a PoC on your systems, so you see exactly what the overhead will be in your case.

Dear Tudor,

I understand, I already have a poc underway..
But when it comes to sizing a benchmark by product team, atleast for default configuration would help.

It helps a lot to win customer and everyone's confidence such that we do not stumble to poc to validate everything.

Regards, Chirag Shah

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