I was following https://www.elastic.co/blog/structured-logging-filebeat
I am using Folebeat 1.2.3. Is there any requirement of any specifc version of ElasticSearch also to make it work. I am posting to AWS ElasticSearch service.
After following everything also it has not created message as json.
I am getting following output
{ "_index": "test-2016.06.22", "_type": "log", "_id": "AVV3sPlZgL-ny14uxzET", "_score": null, "_source": { "@timestamp": "2016-06-22T10:38:52.292Z", "beat": { "hostname": "QHSL24698", "name": "QHSL24698" }, "count": 1, "fields": { "planet": "Magrathea", "service": "<nil>" }, "input_type": "log", "message": "{\"verified\": false, \"user\": \"arthur\", \"session_id\": \"91e5b9d\", \"id\": 42, \"event\": \"tests\"}", "offset": 476, "source": "C:\\Users\\shrivastavar\\Documents\\Tesla\\Architecture Work\\ELK\\NetSeriLog\\NetSeriLogSample\\logs\\log.txt", "type": "log" }, "fields": { "@timestamp": [ 1466591932292 ] }, "sort": [ 1466591932292 ] }