BUG: Logstash Elasticsearch output plugin writes to one index

I have different Logstash configurations, for example, one for pulling AWS Cloudwatch logs, one for AWS Athena, etc. Therefore, I have created multiple configuration files, and in my pipeline.yml file, my configuration is set to:

   pipeline.id: pipeline1
   pipeline.workers: 1
   queue.type: persisted
   path.config: "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/*.conf"

However, all my configurations end up writing to one index which doesn't make sense. I have assigned different index names for each Elasticsearch output plugin in my Logstash. Does anyone know where the source of the problem might be?

Before you read the configurations... All my exec input plugin are supposed to write to ES_PYTHON_INDEX, because that's where all my python scripts results go, but for a JDBC connection, I don't get why that data should end up in ES_PYTHON_INDEX according to my code.

Configuration 1:

	exec {
		command => "python3 /usr/share/logstash/script/customer_model/run.py"
		schedule => "${SCHEDULER}"
		type => "CS"

  if [type] == "CS"{
      hosts => ["${ES_HOST}"]
      user => "${ES_USERNAME}"
      password => "${ES_PASSWORD}"
      index => "${ES_PYTHON_INDEX}"
      workers => 1
    stdout { }

Configuration 2:

input {
  exec {
    command => "python3 ${LOGSTASH_HOME}/script/firmware/backend_s3_download/s3_file_download_script.py"
    schedule => "${SCHEDULER}"
    type => "Backend"
  exec {
    command => "python2.7 ${LOGSTASH_HOME}/script/firmware/firmware_error_parser/parsers/log_parser/eis_logparser.py -pp true -lf ${LOGSTASH_HOME}/firmware_data"
    schedule => "${FIRMWARE_SCHEDULER}"
    type => "Firmware"
  file {
		path => "${LOGSTASH_HOME}/firmware_data/errorcode_diagnostics/*.diag"
		codec => json
		start_position => "beginning"
		sincedb_path => "${LOGSTASH_HOME}/file/.sincedb*"
		type => "S3"

  if [type] == "S3" {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ["${ES_HOST}"]
      user => "${ES_USERNAME}"
      password => "${ES_PASSWORD}"
      workers => 1
  else if [type] == "Backend" {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ["${ES_HOST}"]
      user => "${ES_USERNAME}"
      password => "${ES_PASSWORD}"
      index => "${ES_PYTHON_INDEX}"
      workers => 1
    stdout { }
  else if [type] == "Firmware" {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ["${ES_HOST}"]
      user => "${ES_USERNAME}"
      password => "${ES_PASSWORD}"
      index => "${ES_PYTHON_INDEX}"
      workers => 1
    stdout { }

Configuration 3:

input {
  jdbc {
    jdbc_driver_library => ""
    jdbc_driver_class => "${JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS}"
    jdbc_connection_string => "${JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING}"
    jdbc_user => "${JDBC_USER_ATHENA}"
    schedule => "${SCHEDULER}"
    statement => "${CUSTOMER_SUCCESS_QUERY_1}"
    type => "Customer_success_1"

output {
  if [type] == "Customer_success_1"{
      hosts => ["${ES_HOST}"]
      user => "${ES_USERNAME}"
      password => "${ES_PASSWORD}"
      index => "${ES_CUSTOMER_SUCCESS_INDEX_1}"
      workers => 1


After 2-3 days, just now everything all the sudden turned out to be fine. It's like the issue and data mix in my index never happened before. I believe this is a bug, it is the second time I have faced this issue in the past 4 months.

I checked my index mapping the day before, and it had so many fields coming from other indexes, and just now without making any change, it went back to normal.

Did anyone face this issue before?


I haven't heard back from your team on this issue, I appreciate if you can follow up with me.

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