Can I use “bulk_max_size” & “bulk_flush_frequency” to limit how much data Filebeat can send per min?

Hi all,

Our data pipeline uses Filebeat to send logs to Kafka. Unfortunately, every once a while the amount of data sent by Filebeat instances exceeds the amount of the data that can be handled by Kafka. Therefore, we would like to put a upper limit on the amount of data that can be sent by each Filebeat instance.

I found “bulk_max_size” & “bulk_flush_frequency” from the below doc. The way I understand these configurations is:
“bulk_max_size”: controls how many events (or lines in a log file) can be sent in one single Kafka request
“bulk_flush_frequency”: controls how often a request can be sent, in unit of seconds.

So I set up one Filebeat container and one Kafka container for my test. The configuration of the filebeat container is listed below.

I also create the below Filebeat configuration file. In this case, I was hoping my filebeat test instance would send out one line of log every 60 seconds. However, I found my filebeat test instance always picks up all the latest lines (10 lines in my test) in the logs and send them to Kafka at the same time. In another word, the amount of data that was sent to Kafak exceeds the “bulk_max_size” specified in the configuration file.

Do I understand the meaning of “bulk_max_size” & “bulk_flush_frequency” correctly? What can I do so that I can limit the amount of data sent by Filebeat? Thanks.

## the configuration of my Filebeat container 
   image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:5.1.0     
   container_name: zookeeper     
   environment:         - ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181     
   ports:         - 2181:2181   

   image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.1.0     
   container_name: kafka     
      - KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181         
   ports:         - 9092:9092     
   links:         - zookeeper  

   container_name: filebeat     
   user: root     environment:         
   - strict.perms=false     
      - '/Users/wo/filebeat.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro'         
      - '/Users/wo/filebeat_logs:/usr/share/filebeat/data:rw'         
      - '/Users/wo/filebeat_logs/logs:/usr/share/services/logs'

# the filebeat.yml 

- type: log   
   enabled: true   
   tags:     - execer   
   paths:     - "/usr/share/services/logs/*"  

   events: 4096    

# specifying filebeat to take timestamp and message fields, other wise it   
# take the lines as json and publish to kafka   
      string: '%{[@timestamp]} %{[message]}'    

    hosts: [""]   
   topic: 'foo2'   
      reachable_only: false   
      required_acks: 1   
   max_message_bytes: 1000000   
   bulk_flush_frequency: 60   
   bulk_max_size: 1

Hi! Yes, bulk_flush_frequency is a minimum frequency, not a maximum -- it specifies how long Filebeat should wait for more messages if it doesn't have enough to fill an entire block of bulk_max_size messages, but if there are enough messages to fill a block it will still send them immediately.

What do you mean when you say the data is more than can be handled by Kafka? If the server is overloaded, Filebeat should automatically back off and retry. If you need more precise control than that, you probably want to configure it on the server end (Kafka in this case), since that's the constrained resource. However, it depends on the nature of your bottleneck -- is Filebeat's output interfering with other clients of the same Kafka cluster, or oversaturating network bandwidth needed by other services, or something else?

Hi Fae, thanks for answering my question.

If the server is overloaded, Filebeat should automatically back off and retry.

So is there a way to control the wait time between retry?

I do see "retry.backoff" in the doc but this "retry.backoff" is listed under metadata. So I am assuming that is a different topic?

Yes, that parameter is for handling changes to the Kafka cluster state, not general incoming events. There is timeout but that's for handling a nonresponsive server and won't give you anything like a rate-limit knob. But again, the solution depends a lot on what actual problem you're observing. How do you determine that the ingestion is "too fast," i.e. what is the limited resource you're concerned about?

what is the limited resource you're concerned about?

Thanks for pointing that out. I will double check it.

FYI, I also did a quick test about "bulk_flush_frequency".
Based on our earlier discussion, I set "bulk_max_size" to 10,000 and bulk_flush_frequency to 60.
I manually add one new line in the log file every once a while.

Since I only add one new line every once a while, which is less than my bulk_max_size. I expect the new line to be delivered a minute later after Filebeat deliver the previous bulk request.

However, I found Filebeat still sends out the new line as soon as I add it to the log file. Not sure what I missed it here.

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