Can logstash add array field to elasticsearch?

My Environment

  • mysql
  • logstash (with jdbc plugin) 7.8.0
  • elasticsearch 7.6.2


statement => "SELECT id, name, location1, location2 FROM users;"

I have location1 and location2 column in mysql users table. I want to make them to one array field like...

statement => "SELECT id, name, location1, location2 FROM users;"

    filter {
        mutate {
            add_field => {
              "location" => "[%{location1}, %{location2}]"

so that I can later query all users who ...
(location1 == "NY" or location2 == "NY") or (location1 == "NJ" or location2 == "NJ")

query: {"terms": {"location": ["NY", "NJ"]}}

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