Can not find the multine plug-in in my logstash 5.1.2?

Hi ,

I was getting a error with logstash multi line plug in not found.Could you guys please help me out? Thanks in advance. PFB Error-

reason-"Couldn't find any filter plugin named 'multiline'. Are you sure this is co
rrect? Trying to load the multiline filter plugin resulted in this error: Proble
ms loading the requested plugin named multiline of type filter. Error: NameError
** NameError"}**

The multiline filter is no longer available. Maybe it was dropped in 5.0. Use the multiline codec instead.

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I used codec => multiline this is also giving me error as expected # in the line. is there any multi line plugin . or how to solve this issue

My config file for filter--
           if [type] == "SVNXML" {
	       codec => multiline {
			pattern => "^<log"
			negate => true
			what => previous

Error- :reason=>"Expected one of #, { at line 24, column 9 (byte
** 347) after filter {\n\tif [type] == "SVNXML" {\n\t\tcodec "}**

i placed my multi line filter also in the input tag instead of filter tag and it worked fine

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