Can we use clone filter within ruby code block?

can we use clone filter within ruby code block?

I don't think you can call filters from within other filters. If you explain what you're trying to accomplish maybe someone can suggest something that you can do.

I parsed xml
input {
file {
path => "/opt/Log/new80.xml"
start_position => "beginning"

filter {
if [message] =~ "^<?xml .*" {
drop {}
multiline {
pattern => "^</response>"
negate => true
what => "next"

xml {
source => "message"
target => "videoFrames"

xpath => [


Getting output for "Time_FV": [0,800,1600,1800,2100,2400,3000,3300,3500,3600,3700]

I want to split this array into multiple event and output to elasticsearch. Hence thought of cloning for each item in array.

If the split filter isn't usable for this I think it should be. Worst case, could you use a ruby filter to turn the Time_FV field into a string that you then feed to the split filter?

do i need to clone event?
How split works?
i will try as suggested above.

If i use
split { field => "Time_FV" }
what output expected.

this worked great help.

Can I apply split { on multiple fields}?

Can I apply split { on multiple fields}?

With multiple split filters, sure.

tried but didn't get success.