Cannot auto reload config , logstash-6.2.4


I start logstash with command line

./bin/logstash -f ./config/std.conf -r --config.reload.interval 2s

when change the config std.conf , logstash cannot reload config automatic , it report error :

[2018-05-26T10:24:17,690][ERROR][logstash.agent ] Failed to execute action {:id=>:main, :action_type=>LogStash::ConvergeResult::FailedAction, :message=>"Cannot reload pipeline, because the existing pipeline is not reloadable", :backtrace=>nil}

I CTRL + C and restart the process with cmd ./bin/logstash -f ./config/std.conf ,then try to force it to reload the config by sending a SIGHUP with kill -1 8992,it report error

[2018-05-26T11:41:54,260][WARN ][logstash.runner ] SIGHUP received.
[2018-05-26T11:41:54,651][ERROR][logstash.agent ] Failed to execute action {:id=>:main, :action_type=>LogStash::ConvergeResult::FailedAction, :message=>"Cannot reload pipeline, because the existing pipeline is not reloadable", :backtrace=>nil}

Is it Bug?see also Logstash 6.0 allows starting with the -r flag with plugins that don't support reloading

Is anyone came up this ISSUE ? how to use reload cmd correctly

thank you very much

Which input plugins are you using?

input plugin using stdin,output plugin using stdout

This my config:


stdin {

type => "log"



output {

stdout {

codec => rubydebug



Stain plugin can not be reloaded so you will need to change to another one.

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