Cannot load Filebeat 7.9.0 and higher template in Elasticsearch 6.8.12


I am running an Elasticsearch 6.8.12 cluster and have Filebeats agent in various versions. I usually install the filebeat template using the export command : filebeat.exe export template --es.version 6.8.12 | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 filebeat.template.json

However for all Filebeats version since 7.9.0, I cannot load the template to Elasticsearch as the template uses flattened type for some properties, which is not available in Elasticsearch 6.8.12.

Is this a bug in the export template process in Filebeat 7.9.0 and higher ?


Hey @aryon,

In principle Filebeat 7.9 is not expected to work with Elasticsearch 6.8, you can find the compatibility matrix here:

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