Greetings, guys!
I must say that I am a network engineer, who works with network and server environment. Sadly I am not a programmer, more to say I am really dumb at programming logic.
I have a question on to how to parse the log file correctly. The log file I got looks like this:
Apr 11 11:45:01 firepower SFIMS: Protocol: TCP, SrcIP:, OriginalClientIP: ::, DstIP:, SrcPort: 53064, DstPort: 443, TCPFlags: 0x0, IngressInterface: eth1, DE: Primary Detection Engine (3b4821d2-0dfb-11e7-ac66-d3a8ab9358ce), Policy: Policy-Intact, ConnectType: Start, AccessControlRuleName: Unknown, AccessControlRuleAction: Allow, Prefilter Policy: Unknown, UserName: No Authentication Required, InitiatorPackets: 2, ResponderPackets: 1, InitiatorBytes: 126, ResponderBytes: 66, NAPPolicy: Balanced Security and Connectivity, DNSResponseType: No Error, Sinkhole: Unknown, URLCategory: Unknown, URLReputation: Risk unknown
Im looking for filter and code, that will help me to bring this mess in to what I think should look like this:
Date: Apr 11 11:45:01
Protocol: TCP // But it can be UDP, I solved this via grok pattern PROTO \b(?:TCP?|UDP?)\b . Maybe there is less complex way?
SrcPort: 53064
DstPort: 443
URL: http://example.local // This string doesnt exist in original log file, but it might appear, and I want filter to search for this string and show it in case it exists.
You can see that some values in log are empty(f.e. OriginalClientIP). I need to know how to write my filter so pattern will work if OriginalClientIP will have value and will not.
P.S. Sorry for bad english. Sorry for creating topic, I just lost my hope trying to understand everything and at the same time...
Looks like kv is what I need.
The problem now is that values are sometimes has extra "," symbol, which is not needed.
Also I want to delete all output except Date, Protocol, SrcIP, DstIP, SrcPort, DstPort and URL.
My pipe.conf:
input {
beats {
port => "5044"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:Date} %{WORD} %{WORD}\: %{GREEDYDATA:msg}" }
kv {
source => "msg"
value_split => ":"
target => "kv"
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
And output is as follows:
"offset" => 9532429,
"input_type" => "log",
"source" => "/var/log/",
"kv" => {
"Policy" => [
[0] "Policy-Intact,",
[1] "Unknown,"
"DE" => "Primary",
"NAPPolicy" => "Balanced",
"AccessControlRuleAction" => "Allow,",
"IngressInterface" => "eth1,",
"InitiatorBytes" => "2372,",
"Sinkhole" => "Unknown,",
"InitiatorPackets" => "8,",
"URLCategory" => "Uncategorized,",
"URL" => "https://firepower",
"ConnectType" => "End,",
"Protocol" => "TCP,",
"Client" => "SSL",
"ApplicationProtocol" => "HTTPS,",
"SrcPort" => "52929,",
"UserName" => "No",
"URLReputation" => "Risk",
"DstPort" => "443,",
"ResponderBytes" => "2904,",
"SrcIP" => ",",
"DNSResponseType" => "No",
"TCPFlags" => "0x0,",
"ResponderPackets" => "9,",
"DstIP" => ",",
"AccessControlRuleName" => "test,",
"OriginalClientIP" => "::,"
"message" => "Apr 12 12:30:54 firepower SFIMS: Protocol: TCP, SrcIP:, OriginalClientIP: ::, DstIP:, SrcPort: 52929, DstPort: 443, TCPFlags: 0x0, IngressInterface: eth1, DE: Primary Detection Engine (3b4821d2-0dfb-11e7-ac66-d3a8ab9358ce), Policy: Policy-Intact, ConnectType: End, AccessControlRuleName: test, AccessControlRuleAction: Allow, Prefilter Policy: Unknown, UserName: No Authentication Required, Client: SSL client, ApplicationProtocol: HTTPS, InitiatorPackets: 8, ResponderPackets: 9, InitiatorBytes: 2372, ResponderBytes: 2904, NAPPolicy: Balanced Security and Connectivity, DNSResponseType: No Error, Sinkhole: Unknown, URLCategory: Uncategorized, URLReputation: Risk unknown, URL: https://firepower",
"type" => "log",
"Date" => "Apr 12 12:30:54",
"tags" => [
[0] "beats_input_codec_plain_applied"
"@timestamp" => 2017-04-12T12:30:50.066Z,
"@version" => "1",
"beat" => {
"hostname" => "elastic",
"name" => "elastic",
"version" => "5.3.0"
"host" => "elastic"
"msg" => "Protocol: UDP, SrcIP:, OriginalClientIP: ::, DstIP:, SrcPort: 123, DstPort: 123, TCPFlags: 0x0, IngressInterface: eth1, DE: Primary Detection Engine (3b4821d2-0dfb-11e7-ac66-d3a8ab9358ce), Policy: Policy-Intact, ConnectType: Start, AccessControlRuleName: Unknown, AccessControlRuleAction: Allow, Prefilter Policy: Unknown, UserName: No Authentication Required, Client: NTP client, ApplicationProtocol: NTP, InitiatorPackets: 1, ResponderPackets: 0, InitiatorBytes: 90, ResponderBytes: 0, NAPPolicy: Balanced Security and Connectivity, DNSResponseType: No Error, Sinkhole: Unknown, URLCategory: Unknown, URLReputation: Risk unknown",