Capture all traces & spans and custom configuration doubt

In the "Transactions duration distribution" histogram, hover over the buckets (latency ranges) and you will see how many transactions were captured for that latency range.

When you click on a bucket, you'll be presented with a single sample trace/transaction which falls into that bucket. There is another ongoing Discuss thread regarding being able to look at multiple trace samples: Look at more than one sampled trace

so for the above statement it means that we have to modify the application code to include the public API correct ?


is there any other way to do it from the elastic UI (Kibana) or through the agent properties ?

For the Java agent specifically, there are a couple of agent properties that may be relevant to your use case:

If these don't help, you could alternatively configure Ingest Node to rewrite the transaction name field values. You would have to take care to rewrite associated metrics documents as well.