I'm trying to capture all the messages in a log.
For example, we get this log that contains 6 messages.
"message":["18.59.43 STC47873 +LRGPSEVRI\u000007/29/20 18:59:43 I West Logged on to Tandem/Base24.","18.59.43 STC47873 +LRGPSEVRI\u000007/29/20 18:59:43 I West Logged off from Tandem/Base24.","18.59.43 STC47873 +LRGPSEVRI\u000007/29/20 18:59:43 I West Environment reset ok","18.59.43 STC47873 +LRGPSEVRE\u000007/29/20 18:59:43 E West Maximum resets occurred for task","18.59.43 STC47873 +LRGPSEVRE\u000007/29/20 18:59:43 E West Base24/Tandem comm error . Run job PRGSWSVR when resolved.","18.59.43 STC47873 +LRGPSEVRI\u000007/29/20 18:59:43 I West Server is ending","\u0000 "],"seq":{"w":"3","c":"32347"}}
All of these messages match same grok pattern that I coded.
However, I noticed that once a grok found a match in one of the messages, it will ignore the rest of the logs.
Is it possible to capture all 6 messages and send it to Kibana?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Needless to say, I am new to grok and I tried everything I found in google but nothing seem to work for this particular case.
Thank you.