[CH] ES Meetup in Geneva - Switzerland - 14th June 2017

Our next ES meetup in Western Switzerland will take place at Impact Hub in Geneva with another set of great topics:

  • Nicolas Frankel (from Hybris Software) will show us how to explore data sets with Kibana
  • Bertrand Hartwig-Peillon (from HUG) will explain how they are monitoring their hospital information systems (1K+ servers, 800+ WiFi routers, security appliances, etc) using the Elastic Stack.

Come and join us for another great evening of presentations and discussions around the Elastic Stack.

Please check out the meetup event page and register if you're around Geneva on June 14th.

Last minute change: Bertrand Hartwig-Peillon's talk will be postponed to a later meetup after the summer break.

Nicolas Ruflin (@ruflin) has a replacement talk on a similar topic. He will first show us how the Elastic Stack can be used to monitor your system and services. Then, this will be followed by an open "Ask Me Anything" session.

This a great opportunity for you to come with some questions about monitoring with the Elastic Stack so you can get them answered and share your ideas with others.