Changing Statistic in metricbeat

Hello folks, I am trying to use metricbeat - lambda metricset to import Lambda metrics to ELK. Unfortunately all the metrics are 'averaged' while i need support for 'Sum' for few metrics

I tried to add following to the aws.yml which works fine but metrics not listed here are no more ingested. if i tried to add MORE THAN 3 metrics result in error (mostly a BUG)

- module: aws
  period: 2m
    - lambda
      - name: "ConcurrentExecutions"
        statistic: "Sum"
      - name: "Duration"
        statistic: "Average"
      - name: "Throttles"
        statistic: "Sum"
  access_key_id: "ACCESSKEYID"
  secret_access_key: "SeCReTAACCeSSKEYIDISSECRET"
  regions: ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"]

##Output from CLI
2021-01-22T07:24:13.753-0600	INFO	instance/beat.go:456	metricbeat stopped.
2021-01-22T07:24:13.753-0600	ERROR	instance/beat.go:951	Exiting: 1 error: error unpack raw module config using UnpackConfig: string value is not set accessing 'metrics.3.namespace' (source:'/root/elastic/metricbeat-7.9.3-linux-x86_64/modules.d/aws.yml')
Exiting: 1 error: error unpack raw module config using UnpackConfig: string value is not set accessing 'metrics.3.namespace' (source:'/root/elastic/metricbeat-7.9.3-linux-x86_64/modules.d/aws.yml')

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