Character encoding problems

So my knight is wearing sun glasses – very contemporary :smiley:

Thank you very much for taking the time to deal with my problem. I really appreciate it.
And thank you for the "locale charmap" tip. That's good to know. Buuut:

"message" => "UTF-8\n"

And PHP code for the actual use case has

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

So I have no idea what's happening there.

On a lighter note: Filter Error ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 - #2 by yaauie gave me a workaround that gives me hope.

ruby {
  code => '
    hash = event.to_hash
    hash.each do |key,value|
      if value.is_a? String then
        value = value.force_encoding("UTF-8")

It produces this rubydebug output:

"@timestamp" => 2018-04-06T09:16:10.795Z,
"host" => "elasticsearch-vm",
"@version" => "1",
"message" => "fühlen",
"message2" => "fühlen"

I used the same code for my http poller pipeline and was able to import this into the MySQL database:

Échame La Culpa

Now I'll just have to wait a few hours until a potentially problematic entry occurs in the other database. If that can be imported successfully, I'm quite happy. It seems like a cumbersome solution for a problem I shouldn't even have. But at least now I'll have nice data.

If someone has a better idea, feel free to post!

UPDATE: "Immer noch fühlen" has been imported from the other database successfully!