I have created a conf with two grok patterns. When I run the conf it seems to only process the first pattern and not the second one. I have tested both pattens in a couple of online Grok sites and they both work. What am I missing to get both to work?
filter {
grok {
match => ["message", "%{CISCOTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:host.id} %{NUMBER:version} %{BASE10NUM:epoch_time} %{WORD:host.name} (?<log_type>[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)([ ])? (src=)%{IP:source.ip} (dst=)%{IP:destination.ip} (mac=%{MAC:source_mac})?([ ])?(protocol=)%{WORD:network.protocol} (sport=)%{POSINT:source.port} (dport=)%{POSINT:destination.port} (pattern: )%{WORD:allowed} %{WORD:event.action}"]
match => ["message", "%{CISCOTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:host.id} %{NUMBER:version} %{BASE10NUM:epoch_time} %{WORD:host.name} (?<log_type>[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)([ ])? %{WORD:event.action} (src=)%{IP:source.ip} (dst=)%{IP:destination.ip} (mac=%{MAC:source_mac})?([ ])?(protocol=)%{WORD:network.protocol} (sport=)%{POSINT:source.port} (dport=)%{POSINT:destination.port"]
mutate {
remove_field => [ "host" ]
# for inbound flows, sometimes 0 and 1 are used for "allowed".
#this statement will replace them
gsub => [
"allowed", "1", "denied",
"allowed", "0", "allowed"
# severity informational
add_field => {"syslog_pri" => "6"}