Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult mitigation steps

Hello, I'm trying to write a script the invokes Curator to clean up my indexes after 14 days. If I run the following cli script manually:

./opt/elasticsearch-curator/curator_cli delete_indices --filter_list '[{"filtertype":"age","source":"creation_date","direction":"older","unit":"days","unit_count":14},{"filtertype":"pattern","kind":"prefix","value":"syslog"}]'

It works famously, but if I invoke the same exact command through cron I get the following error:

Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult mitigation steps.

This system lists a couple of UTF-8 supporting locales that
you can pick from. The following suitable locales where
discovered: aa_DJ.utf8, aa_ER.utf8, aa_ET.utf8, af_ZA.utf8, am_ET.utf8, an_ES.utf8, ar_AE.utf8, ar_BH.utf8, ar_DZ.utf8, ar_EG.utf8, ar_IN.utf8, ar_IQ.utf8, ar_JO.utf8, ar_KW.utf8, ar_LB.utf8, ar_LY.utf8, ar_MA.utf8, ar_OM.utf8, ar_QA.utf8, ar_SA.utf8, ar_SD.utf8, ar_SY.utf8, ar_TN.utf8, ar_YE.utf8, as_IN.utf8, ast_ES.utf8, ayc_PE.utf8, az_AZ.utf8, be_BY.utf8, bem_ZM.utf8, ber_DZ.utf8, ber_MA.utf8, bg_BG.utf8, bho_IN.utf8, bn_BD.utf8, bn_IN.utf8, bo_CN.utf8, bo_IN.utf8, br_FR.utf8, brx_IN.utf8, bs_BA.utf8, byn_ER.utf8, ca_AD.utf8, ca_ES.utf8, ca_FR.utf8, ca_IT.utf8, crh_UA.utf8, cs_CZ.utf8, csb_PL.utf8, cv_RU.utf8, cy_GB.utf8, da_DK.utf8, de_AT.utf8, de_BE.utf8, de_CH.utf8, de_DE.utf8, de_LU.utf8, doi_IN.utf8, dv_MV.utf8, dz_BT.utf8, el_CY.utf8, el_GR.utf8, en_AG.utf8, en_AU.utf8, en_BW.utf8, en_CA.utf8, en_DK.utf8, en_GB.utf8, en_HK.utf8, en_IE.utf8, en_IN.utf8, en_NG.utf8, en_NZ.utf8, en_PH.utf8, en_SG.utf8, en_US.utf8, en_ZA.utf8, en_ZM.utf8, en_ZW.utf8, es_AR.utf8, es_BO.utf8, es_CL.utf8, es_CO.utf8, es_CR.utf8, es_CU.utf8, es_DO.utf8, es_EC.utf8, es_ES.utf8, es_GT.utf8, es_HN.utf8, es_MX.utf8, es_NI.utf8, es_PA.utf8, es_PE.utf8, es_PR.utf8, es_PY.utf8, es_SV.utf8, es_US.utf8, es_UY.utf8, es_VE.utf8, et_EE.utf8, eu_ES.utf8, fa_IR.utf8, ff_SN.utf8, fi_FI.utf8, fil_PH.utf8, fo_FO.utf8, fr_BE.utf8, fr_CA.utf8, fr_CH.utf8, fr_FR.utf8, fr_LU.utf8, fur_IT.utf8, fy_DE.utf8, fy_NL.utf8, ga_IE.utf8, gd_GB.utf8, gez_ER.utf8, gez_ET.utf8, gl_ES.utf8, gu_IN.utf8, gv_GB.utf8, ha_NG.utf8, he_IL.utf8, hi_IN.utf8, hne_IN.utf8, hr_HR.utf8, hsb_DE.utf8, ht_HT.utf8, hu_HU.utf8, hy_AM.utf8, ia_FR.utf8, id_ID.utf8, ig_NG.utf8, ik_CA.utf8, is_IS.utf8, it_CH.utf8, it_IT.utf8, iu_CA.utf8, iw_IL.utf8, ja_JP.utf8, ka_GE.utf8, kk_KZ.utf8, kl_GL.utf8, km_KH.utf8, kn_IN.utf8, ko_KR.utf8, kok_IN.utf8, ks_IN.utf8, ku_TR.utf8, kw_GB.utf8, ky_KG.utf8, lb_LU.utf8, lg_UG.utf8, li_BE.utf8, li_NL.utf8, lij_IT.utf8, lo_LA.utf8, lt_LT.utf8, lv_LV.utf8, mag_IN.utf8, mai_IN.utf8, mg_MG.utf8, mhr_RU.utf8, mi_NZ.utf8, mk_MK.utf8, ml_IN.utf8, mn_MN.utf8, mni_IN.utf8, mr_IN.utf8, ms_MY.utf8, mt_MT.utf8, my_MM.utf8, nb_NO.utf8, nds_DE.utf8, nds_NL.utf8, ne_NP.utf8, nhn_MX.utf8, niu_NU.utf8, niu_NZ.utf8, nl_AW.utf8, nl_BE.utf8, nl_NL.utf8, nn_NO.utf8, nr_ZA.utf8, nso_ZA.utf8, oc_FR.utf8, om_ET.utf8, om_KE.utf8, or_IN.utf8, os_RU.utf8, pa_IN.utf8, pa_PK.utf8, pap_AN.utf8, pl_PL.utf8, ps_AF.utf8, pt_BR.utf8, pt_PT.utf8, ro_RO.utf8, ru_RU.utf8, ru_UA.utf8, rw_RW.utf8, sa_IN.utf8, sat_IN.utf8, sc_IT.utf8, sd_IN.utf8, se_NO.utf8, shs_CA.utf8, si_LK.utf8, sid_ET.utf8, sk_SK.utf8, sl_SI.utf8, so_DJ.utf8, so_ET.utf8, so_KE.utf8, so_SO.utf8, sq_AL.utf8, sq_MK.utf8, sr_ME.utf8, sr_RS.utf8, ss_ZA.utf8, st_ZA.utf8, sv_FI.utf8, sv_SE.utf8, sw_KE.utf8, sw_TZ.utf8, szl_PL.utf8, ta_IN.utf8, ta_LK.utf8, te_IN.utf8, tg_TJ.utf8, th_TH.utf8, ti_ER.utf8, ti_ET.utf8, tig_ER.utf8, tk_TM.utf8, tl_PH.utf8, tn_ZA.utf8, tr_CY.utf8, tr_TR.utf8, ts_ZA.utf8, tt_RU.utf8, ug_CN.utf8, uk_UA.utf8, unm_US.utf8, ur_IN.utf8, ur_PK.utf8, ve_ZA.utf8, vi_VN.utf8, wa_BE.utf8, wae_CH.utf8, wal_ET.utf8, wo_SN.utf8, xh_ZA.utf8, yi_US.utf8, yo_NG.utf8, yue_HK.utf8, zh_CN.utf8, zh_HK.utf8, zh_SG.utf8, zh_TW.utf8, zu_ZA.utf8

When used with Python 3 (and the DEB and RPM packages of Curator are compiled
and bundled with Python 3), Curator requires the locale to be unicode. Any of
the above unicode definitions are acceptable.

To set the locale to be unicode, try:

$ export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
$ curator_cli [ARGS]

Alternately, you should be able to specify the locale on the command-line:

$ LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 curator_cli [ARGS]

Be sure to substitute your unicode variant for en_US.utf8

I've followed the following tutorial:

which indicates that I needed to change my locale to ut8 (which I've done)

I also have read this:

All to no avail.. any help is appreciated

If you're followed the tutorial, it should work. What is happening in your environment?

[buh@centos7-pkg-test ~]$ curator --help
Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.  Consult mitigation steps.

This system lists a couple of UTF-8 supporting locales that
you can pick from.  The following suitable locales where
discovered: aa_DJ.utf8, aa_ER.utf8, aa_ET.utf8, af_ZA.utf8, am_ET.utf8, an_ES.utf8, ar_AE.utf8, ar_BH.utf8, ar_DZ.utf8, ar_EG.utf8, ar_IN.utf8, ar_IQ.utf8, ar_JO.utf8, ar_KW.utf8, ar_LB.utf8, ar_LY.utf8, ar_MA.utf8, ar_OM.utf8, ar_QA.utf8, ar_SA.utf8, ar_SD.utf8, ar_SY.utf8, ar_TN.utf8, ar_YE.utf8, as_IN.utf8, ast_ES.utf8, ayc_PE.utf8, az_AZ.utf8, be_BY.utf8, bem_ZM.utf8, ber_DZ.utf8, ber_MA.utf8, bg_BG.utf8, bho_IN.utf8, bn_BD.utf8, bn_IN.utf8, bo_CN.utf8, bo_IN.utf8, br_FR.utf8, brx_IN.utf8, bs_BA.utf8, byn_ER.utf8, ca_AD.utf8, ca_ES.utf8, ca_FR.utf8, ca_IT.utf8, crh_UA.utf8, cs_CZ.utf8, csb_PL.utf8, cv_RU.utf8, cy_GB.utf8, da_DK.utf8, de_AT.utf8, de_BE.utf8, de_CH.utf8, de_DE.utf8, de_LU.utf8, doi_IN.utf8, dv_MV.utf8, dz_BT.utf8, el_CY.utf8, el_GR.utf8, en_AG.utf8, en_AU.utf8, en_BW.utf8, en_CA.utf8, en_DK.utf8, en_GB.utf8, en_HK.utf8, en_IE.utf8, en_IN.utf8, en_NG.utf8, en_NZ.utf8, en_PH.utf8, en_SG.utf8, en_US.utf8, en_ZA.utf8, en_ZM.utf8, en_ZW.utf8, es_AR.utf8, es_BO.utf8, es_CL.utf8, es_CO.utf8, es_CR.utf8, es_CU.utf8, es_DO.utf8, es_EC.utf8, es_ES.utf8, es_GT.utf8, es_HN.utf8, es_MX.utf8, es_NI.utf8, es_PA.utf8, es_PE.utf8, es_PR.utf8, es_PY.utf8, es_SV.utf8, es_US.utf8, es_UY.utf8, es_VE.utf8, et_EE.utf8, eu_ES.utf8, fa_IR.utf8, ff_SN.utf8, fi_FI.utf8, fil_PH.utf8, fo_FO.utf8, fr_BE.utf8, fr_CA.utf8, fr_CH.utf8, fr_FR.utf8, fr_LU.utf8, fur_IT.utf8, fy_DE.utf8, fy_NL.utf8, ga_IE.utf8, gd_GB.utf8, gez_ER.utf8, gez_ET.utf8, gl_ES.utf8, gu_IN.utf8, gv_GB.utf8, ha_NG.utf8, he_IL.utf8, hi_IN.utf8, hne_IN.utf8, hr_HR.utf8, hsb_DE.utf8, ht_HT.utf8, hu_HU.utf8, hy_AM.utf8, ia_FR.utf8, id_ID.utf8, ig_NG.utf8, ik_CA.utf8, is_IS.utf8, it_CH.utf8, it_IT.utf8, iu_CA.utf8, iw_IL.utf8, ja_JP.utf8, ka_GE.utf8, kk_KZ.utf8, kl_GL.utf8, km_KH.utf8, kn_IN.utf8, ko_KR.utf8, kok_IN.utf8, ks_IN.utf8, ku_TR.utf8, kw_GB.utf8, ky_KG.utf8, lb_LU.utf8, lg_UG.utf8, li_BE.utf8, li_NL.utf8, lij_IT.utf8, lo_LA.utf8, lt_LT.utf8, lv_LV.utf8, mag_IN.utf8, mai_IN.utf8, mg_MG.utf8, mhr_RU.utf8, mi_NZ.utf8, mk_MK.utf8, ml_IN.utf8, mn_MN.utf8, mni_IN.utf8, mr_IN.utf8, ms_MY.utf8, mt_MT.utf8, my_MM.utf8, nb_NO.utf8, nds_DE.utf8, nds_NL.utf8, ne_NP.utf8, nhn_MX.utf8, niu_NU.utf8, niu_NZ.utf8, nl_AW.utf8, nl_BE.utf8, nl_NL.utf8, nn_NO.utf8, nr_ZA.utf8, nso_ZA.utf8, oc_FR.utf8, om_ET.utf8, om_KE.utf8, or_IN.utf8, os_RU.utf8, pa_IN.utf8, pa_PK.utf8, pap_AN.utf8, pl_PL.utf8, ps_AF.utf8, pt_BR.utf8, pt_PT.utf8, ro_RO.utf8, ru_RU.utf8, ru_UA.utf8, rw_RW.utf8, sa_IN.utf8, sat_IN.utf8, sc_IT.utf8, sd_IN.utf8, se_NO.utf8, shs_CA.utf8, si_LK.utf8, sid_ET.utf8, sk_SK.utf8, sl_SI.utf8, so_DJ.utf8, so_ET.utf8, so_KE.utf8, so_SO.utf8, sq_AL.utf8, sq_MK.utf8, sr_ME.utf8, sr_RS.utf8, ss_ZA.utf8, st_ZA.utf8, sv_FI.utf8, sv_SE.utf8, sw_KE.utf8, sw_TZ.utf8, szl_PL.utf8, ta_IN.utf8, ta_LK.utf8, te_IN.utf8, tg_TJ.utf8, th_TH.utf8, ti_ER.utf8, ti_ET.utf8, tig_ER.utf8, tk_TM.utf8, tl_PH.utf8, tn_ZA.utf8, tr_CY.utf8, tr_TR.utf8, ts_ZA.utf8, tt_RU.utf8, ug_CN.utf8, uk_UA.utf8, unm_US.utf8, ur_IN.utf8, ur_PK.utf8, ve_ZA.utf8, vi_VN.utf8, wa_BE.utf8, wae_CH.utf8, wal_ET.utf8, wo_SN.utf8, xh_ZA.utf8, yi_US.utf8, yo_NG.utf8, yue_HK.utf8, zh_CN.utf8, zh_HK.utf8, zh_SG.utf8, zh_TW.utf8, zu_ZA.utf8

When used with Python 3 (and the DEB and RPM packages of Curator are compiled
and bundled with Python 3), Curator requires the locale to be unicode. Any of
the above unicode definitions are acceptable.

To set the locale to be unicode, try:

$ export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
$ curator [ARGS]

Alternately, you should be able to specify the locale on the command-line:

$ LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 curator [ARGS]

Be sure to substitute your unicode variant for en_US.utf8

[buh@centos7-pkg-test ~]$ export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
[buh@centos7-pkg-test ~]$ curator --help
Usage: curator [OPTIONS] ACTION_FILE

  Curator for Elasticsearch indices.


  --config PATH  Path to configuration file. Default: ~/.curator/curator.yml
  --dry-run      Do not perform any changes.
  --version      Show the version and exit.
  --help         Show this message and exit.

This is what it looks like on a test VM after enabling utf8 at the command-line.

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