Cloudtrail to Logstash automatic roll over on prefix date


I am trying to ingest cloudtrail logs to logstash to detect a certain event. I have installed logstash-codec-cloudtrail plugin and was able to ingest cloudtrail logs if i point to a specific folder.
Currently i am ingesting it from

Logstash Version: logstash 7.13.4

input {
    s3 {
        bucket => ""
        delete => false
        interval => 60 # seconds
        prefix => "AWSLogs/123456789/CloudTrail/ap-southeast-1/2021/08/04/"
        type => "cloudtrail"
        codec => "cloudtrail"
        region => "ap-southeast-1"

However, I wish to ingest cloudtrail logs from S3 bucket from a region and not specific to a date.

I was trying to do this but i do not know if this is the right way to do it or such feature has not been developed yet (based on my google search)

input {
    s3 {
        bucket => ""
        delete => false
        interval => 60 # seconds
        prefix => "AWSLogs/123456789/CloudTrail/ap-southeast-1/*/*/*/"
        type => "cloudtrail"
        codec => "cloudtrail"
        region => "ap-southeast-1"

My end goal is to be able to read cloudtrail event from now (not the past) and create an audit log to watch who assumed admin role in AWS.

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