Cloudwatch input plugin configuration details for fetching AWS/ECS metrics

input {
cloudwatch {
namespace => "AWS/ECS"
period => 6000
interval => 6000000
metrics => ["Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Sum", "Sample Count","CPUUtilization"]
filters => {
"ClusterName" => "microservices"
"ServiceName" => "logging-mongo"
region => "us-east-1"
add_field => {
"region" => "####"
access_key_id => "######"
secret_access_key => "#####"
session_token => "#########"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://######.99:9200/"]
manage_template =>false
index => "########-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

i am not getting any output nor any error from logstash.
there is no permission issue hence i am able to get it with aws cli and also from sdk but not from cloudwatch input plugin in logstash.

this is the log output in console in logstash
[2023-12-14T05:11:04,628][INFO ][logstash.inputs.cloudwatch][main][67aa1d6d6bba33ceb79af57c0037bfbbfbca6b8bef2045b5e2090e3c96b5ea33] [Aws::CloudWatch::Client 200 0.103758 0 retries] get_metric_statistics(namespace:"AWS/ECS",metric_name:"CPUUtilization",start_time:2023-10-05 18:31:04 UTC,end_time:2023-12-14 05:11:04 UTC,period:6000,statistics:["SampleCount","Average","Minimum","Maximum","Sum"],dimensions:[{name:"ClusterName",value:"[FILTERED]"}])

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