Combine fields inside aggregation filter

Hi all.

I've been googling this for a couple of days and have not found any help, although I think this problem should be very easy to solve.

I'm using Logstash to import data from MySQL database and export it to Elastic. Everything is working as expected.

But now I want to "combine" the result of 3 fields into a new one, and I cannot figure out how.

From MySQL I get this structure:

  • Ticket
    • User
      • FirstName
      • SecondName
      • LastName

I would like to combine those 3 fields for each user into new field, let's call it 'completeName'.

I've configured a filter for results like this:

filter {
    aggregate {
        task_id => "%{ticket_id}"
        code => "
            map['id'] = event.get('ticket_id')
            map['name'] = event.get('ticket_name')
            map['issueTime'] = event.get('issue_time')

            map['assignedTo'] =  {
                'id' => event.get('assignedTo_id'),
                'userName' => event.get('assignedTo_username'),
                'firstName' => event.get('assignedTo_first_name'),
                'familyName' => event.get('assignedTo_family_name'),
                'secondFamilyName' => event.get('assignedTo_second_family_name'),
                'completeName' => **_WHAT HERE?_**			

        ... more code here ...

        push_previous_map_as_event => true
        timeout => 10

First 3 fields come from ticket. AssignedTo is the user that holds the ticket, that is mapped to ES as Object inside ticket.

I am getting everything mapped correctly to ES, only missing 'completeName', that sholud be: FirstName FamilyName SecondFamilyName.

Thanks for help.


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You can use the usual Ruby string concatenation methods. One example would be this.

            map['assignedTo'] =  {
                'id' => event.get('assignedTo_id'),
                'userName' => event.get('assignedTo_username'),
                'firstName' => event.get('assignedTo_first_name'),
                'familyName' => event.get('assignedTo_family_name'),
                'secondFamilyName' => event.get('assignedTo_second_family_name'),
                'completeName' => [event.get('FirstName').to_s, event.get('SecondName').to_s, event.get('LastName').to_s].join(' ')			
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Thanks @paz for your answer. I will try it.

One more question. Does it matter if any of the fields is null or empty?

I mean, for example in Java if you try to concatenate 3 strings and one of them is null, you get an exception.

In this case, 'LastName' is null in many of the users...


For this specific case, not really. Join handles nils gracefully (whereas other Ruby functions/operations might be more picky).
The only side-effect with null values would be having 2 join characters together in the final field (2 spaces in that specific case).

To avoid this, you can clear the array before performing join on it, like so:

            map['assignedTo'] =  {
                'completeName' => [event.get('FirstName').to_s, event.get('SecondName').to_s, event.get('LastName').to_s].reject(&:empty?).join(' ')			
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