Completely lost

Hello all. I have followed the excellent Digital Ocean filebeat/logstash/ES/Kibana (How To Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK Stack) on CentOS 7 | DigitalOcean). I am getting messages from one of my files into elasticsearch/kibana.

However, my input lines look like the following:

Dec 19 17:54:49 kernel: [12954239.200000] DROP IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=30:46:9a:15:66:b0:e8:b7:48:0c:8a:da:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=47 ID=12841 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=50806 DPT=20012 SEQ=1057317385 ACK=0 WINDOW=5808 R

My current filter is

 filter {
   if [type] == "syslog" {
     grok {
       match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{DATA:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" }
       add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ]
       add_field => [ "received_from", "%{host}" ]
     syslog_pri { }
     date {
       match => [ "syslog_timestamp", "MMM  d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" ]

I'm trying to parse out the "SRC" ip, "DST" ip into separate fields. I would also like to use the geoip plugin.

I read through a bunch of documentation and I am completely lost at how I might accomplish this task.

Thanks in advance!

My grok lines:
`match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:date} %{IPORHOST:device} %{WORD:kernel}: [%{DATA:unixtime}] IN=%{DATA:in_int} OUT=%{DATA:out_int} MAC=%{DATA:junk} SRC=%{IP:src_ip} DST=%{IP:dst_ip} LEN=%{NUMBER:len} TOS=%{DATA:junk} PREC=%{DATA:junk} TTL=%{NUMBER:junk} ID=%{NUMBER:junk} DF PROTO=%{WORD:proto} SPT=%{NUMBER:src_port} DPT=%{NUMBER:dst_port} WINDOW=%{NUMBER:junk} RES=%{DATA:junk} %{DATA:flags} URGP=%{NUMBER:junk}" ]

match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:date} %{IPORHOST:device} %{WORD:kernel}: [%{DATA:unixtime}] IN=%{DATA:in_int} OUT=%{DATA:out_int} MAC=%{DATA:junk} SRC=%{IP:src_ip} DST=%{IP:dst_ip} LEN=%{NUMBER:len} TOS=%{DATA:junk} PREC=%{DATA:junk} TTL=%{NUMBER:junk} ID=%{NUMBER:junk} PROTO=%{WORD:proto} SPT=%{NUMBER:src_port} DPT=%{NUMBER:dst_port} WINDOW=%{NUMBER:junk} RES=%{DATA:junk} %{DATA:flags} URGP=%{NUMBER:junk}" ]

match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:date} %{IPORHOST:device} %{WORD:kernel}: [%{DATA:unixtime}] IN=%{DATA:in_int} OUT=%{DATA:out_int} MAC=%{DATA:junk} SRC=%{IP:src_ip} DST=%{IP:dst_ip} LEN=%{POSINT:fullen} TOS=%{DATA:junk} PREC=%{DATA:junk} TTL=%{POSINT:junk} ID=%{NUMBER:junk} DF PROTO=%{WORD:proto} SPT=%{POSINT:src_port} DPT=%{POSINT:dst_port} LEN=%{POSINT:len}" ]

match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:date} %{IPORHOST:device} %{WORD:kernel}: [%{DATA:unixtime}] IN=%{DATA:in_int} OUT=%{DATA:out_int} MAC=%{DATA:junk} SRC=%{IP:src_ip} DST=%{IP:dst_ip} LEN=%{POSINT:fullen} TOS=%{DATA:junk} PREC=%{DATA:junk} TTL=%{POSINT:junk} ID=%{NUMBER:junk} PROTO=%{WORD:proto} SPT=%{POSINT:src_port} DPT=%{POSINT:dst_port} LEN=%{POSINT:len} MARK=%{DATA:junk}" ]

match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:date} %{IPORHOST:device} %{WORD:kernel}: [%{DATA:unixtime}] IN=%{DATA:in_int} OUT=%{DATA:out_int} MAC=%{DATA:junk} SRC=%{IP:src_ip} DST=%{IP:dst_ip} LEN=%{POSINT:fullen} TOS=%{DATA:junk} PREC=%{DATA:junk} TTL=%{POSINT:junk} ID=%{NUMBER:junk} PROTO=%{WORD:proto} SPT=%{POSINT:src_port} DPT=%{POSINT:dst_port} LEN=%{POSINT:len}" ]`

Season to taste.

Thank you - that helped tremendously!

One followup question - mixed in with these events, I occasionally get ssh login failures. For example:

Dec 20 13:22:21 dropbear[31382]: bad password attempt for 'root' from

I am able to parse these with:

%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:date} %{IPORHOST:device} %{WORD:kernel}[%{DATA:unix_pid}]: bad password attempt for 'root' from %{IP:src_ip}:%{NUMBER:src_port}

I would love to graph these separately from the other type of log entries. Is there a way to "mutate" these to another "type" so I can process these independently?

Nevermind - I figured it out with some googling and trial and error. Thanks again!

Ah good deal...busy day here..sorry about no response.

If the issue is with grokking, I recommend you book marked this tool
Otherwise the plugin documentation is your friend in this case.

BTW, event type value once set in logstash cannot be changed within logstash. You have to do so externally.