Condition Section after Grok section not working

Hello Everyone!

I am trying to modify my pipeline to allow me to create few additional fields based on certain conditions. However, that section alone is not working and I don't see any errors in my log. I had used similar conditions before adding the Grok section and that time it had worked. Not sure what I am missing here. Any help is appreciated.

filter {
    json {
        source => message
        add_field => {
            "region" => "us-east-1" 
    if [message] =~ /Customer Type : ec/ {
    grok {
        match => {"message" => "Automation Type : %{DATA:AutomationTypeValue}, OrderSubmitRequest UtcTimeStamp : %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}, AgentId : %{DATA:agentID}, Agent Email Address: %{DATA:agentEmail}, Division : %{DATA:Division}, Opportunity Number : %{DATA:OptyNum}, Data : %{DATA:DataFlag}, Voice : %{DATA:VoiceFlag}, Video : %{DATA:VideoFlag}, Smart Office : %{DATA:SOFlag}, Package Customer : %{DATA:PackageFlag}, Existing Services : %{DATA:ExistingService}, Account Number : %{NUMBER:AcctNumber}, Title Role: %{DATA:TitleRole}, Customer Type : %{DATA:CustomerType}, Source Type : %{DATA:SourceType}, FxBuyflowSessionId : %{DATA:SessionId}, Order Number : %{DATA:OrderNumber}, ExistingTotalMrc : %{NUMBER:ExistingTotalMRC:float}, NewTotalMrc : %{NUMBER:NewTotalMRC:float},  Correlation Id : %{NUMBER:CorrId} %{GREEDYDATA:message}"}        
	if ([message] =~ /Data : True/ and [message] =~ /Voice : False/ and [message] =~ /TV : False/ and [message] =~ /SO : False/) {
	 mutate {
        add_field => {"OrderLOB" => "BIOnly"}
    }}else if ([message] =~ /Data : True/ and [message] =~ /Voice : True/ and [message] =~ /TV : False/ and [message] =~ /SO : False/) {
	 mutate {
        add_field => {"OrderLOB" => "BI+BV"}
    }}else if ([message] =~ /Data : True/ and [message] =~ /Voice : True/ and [message] =~ /TV : True/ and [message] =~ /SO : False/) {
	 mutate {
        add_field => {"OrderLOB" => "BI+BV+BTV"}
    else {mutate {
        add_field => {"OrderLOB" => "None"}

If the grok matches then [message] will be an array, so none of the rest of your references will work. You will need to change them to [message][0] if you want to match the original message, or [message][1] if you want what the GREEDYDATA at the end captured. Alternatively, use the overwrite option on the grok filter, or change the name of the capture for that GREEDYDATA.

Ahhh makes sense. Didn't notice that. Changed the name of GREEDYDATA and now the first condition works. Thanks you so much!!

However, the else conditions don't work. Even If I change the 2nd 'else if' condition to just new 'if'

if ([message] =~ /Data : True/ and [message] =~ /Voice : False/ and [message] =~ /TV : False/ and [message] =~ /SO : False/) {
	 mutate {
        add_field => {"OrderLOB" => "BIOnly"}
if ([message] =~ /Data : True/ and [message] =~ /Voice : True/ and [message] =~ /TV : False/ and [message] =~ /SO : False/) {
	 mutate {
        add_field => {"OrderLOB" => "BI+BV"}

The second mutate requires all four patterns to match. I would suggest that if the mutate is not happening then one of the patterns does not match. Try splitting it into 4 and see if all four mutates happen.

I was adding the value to a different field. It's all good now.

Thanks again!! Appreciate the quick help!

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