I want to select and output only the uncommon messages in a log, based on a partial match (the beginning of the message).
I can filter out one message like so
output {
if "foo" not in [msg] {
But if it try to match [msg] against multiple options like this
output {
if ["this", "that", "uninteresting", "boring", "yawn"] not in [msg] {
I get an error:
TypeError: no implicit conversion of Array into String
If I invert the syntax,
output {
if [msg] not in ["this", "that", "received", "sent", "yawn"] {
I get no error, but also no filtering.
If I try the regexp operator,
output {
if [msg] !~ ["this", "that", "received", "sent", "yawn"] {
output {
if ["this", "that", "received", "sent", "yawn"] !~ [msg] {
I get a really long and ugly error about
Expected one of #, ", ', / at line 14, column 15 (byte 202) after output {\n if [msg] !~
And again no filtering.
What would be the correct way to check if any one of a list of words/strings exists in another string? Do I have to daisy chain every single comparison with OR operators?