Conditional statement in output

I have a logstash configuration file (5.2:alpine) and want to use the same file for development and production environments.

I have loaded in environment variables and confirmed they exist.

However, when trying to change the output based on the environment variable (in this example [environment] is configured in the filter), the elasticsearch configuration combines both declarations and does not see them as unique settings, causing development to fail:

output {

    if [environment] == "development" {

        elasticsearch {
            hosts => ["${ELS_HOSTNAME}:${ELS_PORT}"]
            index => "%{els_index}"
            action => "%{els_action}"
            document_type => "%{type}"
            document_id => "%{id}"
        stdout {
            codec => rubydebug

    } else {

        elasticsearch {
            hosts => ["${ELS_HOSTNAME}:${ELS_PORT}"]
            ssl => "${ELS_SSL:false}"
            ssl_certificate_verification => "${ELS_SSL_VERIFY:false}"
            healthcheck_path => "https://${ELS_USERNAME:guest}:${ELS_PASSWORD:guest}@${ELS_HOSTNAME}:${ELS_PORT}/"
            absolute_healthcheck_path => "true"
            user => "${ELS_USERNAME:guest}"
            password => "${ELS_PASSWORD:guest}"
            index => "%{els_index}"
            action => "%{els_action}"
            document_type => "%{type}"
            document_id => "%{id}"


Is my approach to this incorrect or is this a potential bug?

You mean both elasticsearch outputs are used as if the if and else lines had just been commented out?

Hi @magnusbaeck, yes - the output is analogous to the following declaration:

output {

    elasticsearch {
        hosts => ["${ELS_HOSTNAME}:${ELS_PORT}"]
        index => "%{els_index}"
        ssl => "${ELS_SSL:false}"
        ssl_certificate_verification => "${ELS_SSL_VERIFY:false}"
        healthcheck_path => "https://${ELS_USERNAME:guest}:${ELS_PASSWORD:guest}@${ELS_HOSTNAME}:${ELS_PORT}/"
        absolute_healthcheck_path => "true"
        user => "${ELS_USERNAME:guest}"
        password => "${ELS_PASSWORD:guest}"
        action => "%{els_action}"
        document_type => "%{type}"
        document_id => "%{id}"
    stdout {
        codec => rubydebug


It's as if the conditional statement is all interpreted and the last variable through wins...

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Just wondering if you found a way to resolve this? I'm running into the same issue. It seems like the conditionals are completely ignored in this case.

Apparently there is an issue open on this, and also a workaround (though I personally cannot get it to work).


mutate {
add_field => { "[@metadata][LS_ENDP_JDBC]" => "${LS_ENDP_JDBC:a}" }

if [@metadata][LS_ENDP_JDBC] == "a" {

Thanks @joniba , my workaround is to use two logstash configuration files - and use the ENV var in a Dockerfile to copy the correct one across depending on the build pipeline.

I don't mind maintaining that for a little while but it's obviously a lot of superfluous code and prone to mistakes when a larger team maintains it. I'll keep an eye on that issue, thanks for the link - good to know I'm not going crazy over here...

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