Config not working for logstash 2


Can someone show me whats wrong with the config here. I am trying to convert my logstast 1.5.4 config to logstash 2. When I run it with --configtest flag, I get message 'Configuration is Ok'. and when I run the logstash agent with this config, index is not created. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

input {
couchdb_changes {
db => "roles"
hosts => [""]
sequence_path => "seq_files\roles_couchdb_seq"
tags => ["roles"]
output {
if "roles" in [tags] {
elasticsearch {
document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"
hosts => [""]
index => "roles_index"


Is there anything in the Logstash logs? What if you turn up the logging verbosity? What if you replace the elasticsearch output with a stdout output?

Here is the log file:

PS: I have updated log file on github.

Partial quote of log:

{:timestamp=>"2015-11-02T09:38:52.904000-0500", :message=>"A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.\n Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::CouchDBChanges db=>"roles", host=>"", sequence_path=>"seq_files\\roles_couchdb_seq", tags=>["roles"], codec=><LogStash::Codecs::Plain charset=>"UTF-8">, port=>5984, secure=>false, password=>, heartbeat=>1000, keep_revision=>false, ignore_attachments=>true, always_reconnect=>true, reconnect_delay=>10>\n Error: bad component(expected host component):\n Exception: URI::InvalidComponentError\n

Did the acceptable values for the host parameter change between 1.5.x and 2.0? The documentation doesn't mention support for specifying the port number.

Please see the updated log on github. I am still getting the error with hosts => [""].

AFAICT the parameter is named host and not hosts in Logstash 2.0. What if you use host and drop the port number?

Do you mean my config should be like this:
input {
couchdb_changes {
db => "roles"
host => ""
sequence_path => "seq_files\roles_couchdb_seq"
tags => ["roles"]
output {
if "roles" in [tags] {
elasticsearch {
document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"
hosts => [""]
index => "roles_index"
how would it get data from couchdb if port number is dropped?

Do you mean my config should be like this:


how would it get data from couchdb if port number is dropped?

There's a port option that defaults to 5984.


Ok that worked, many thanks for this.

I am seeing deleted documents as well in my indices. Would these be coming from couchdb Do I need to filter those in logstash config file. How can I do that?

"I am seeing deleted documents as well in my indices. Would these be coming from couchdb Do I need to filter those in logstash config file. How can I do that?"
will really appreciate any help, thanks.

There is/was an issue where the document source is being sent with a delete command (this should not be so). This causes deletes to not work correctly.

Please check to see the status of this at

(I'm at an airport and don't have good wifi, or I'd do the digging myself).