Configuration file: setup.template.pattern usage?

I am not clear in my mind regarding the option setup.template.pattern in FileBeat configuration file.
From a general standpoint, I do not understand why we should tell Filebeat which index template to load ? According to index template definition, there is a field named index_patterns which clearly states that index matching as an example pattern filebeat-6.5.1-* are managed by template name filebeat-6.5.1

This said, what does setup.template.pattern option stands for ? Does it mean that any template which name does match setup.template.pattern should be applied to the filebeat index ?

All this stuff sounds redundant with template mechanism setup at elasticsearch node level.

Any comments highly appreciated.

This said, what does setup.template.pattern option stands for ? Does it mean that any template which name does match setup.template.pattern should be applied to the filebeat index ?

You have to set this parameter only if you want to have a customised template name and a customised template pattern as the default one is filebeat-version-....

And by doing this you'll automatically load the template on Elasticsearch without having to set it directly from Kibana for example

Thx Mohamed for your reply,
from tests I performed, I can confirm that setup.template.pattern option from Filebeat configuration file does actually match the index_patterns properties from index template output GET /_template/template_name

You're welcome mate

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