Configure Grok Filters

Hi All, I am just starting out with Logstash.
I am trying to parse a logfile with error contents as

2018-09-03 15:31:51.9682 Error ActiveDirectory Application MyApp is referenced by groups uADGROUP1 and uADGROUP2 - only permissions for uADGROUP1 will apply

I have written a logstash config as below

# contents of logstash\bin\logstash.config

# input
input {
file {
    path => "C:\DATA\packagepromoterdata\diagnostics\ActiveDirectoryTest.log"
    start_position => beginning        

filter {
grok {
    match => { "message" => "Error\sActiveDirectory\sApplication\s%{WORD:App_Name}\sis\sreferenced\sby\sgroups\s%{WORD:AD_Group1}\sand\s%{WORD:AD_Group2}\s-\sonly\spermissions\sfor\s%{WORD:ADGroup_Apply}\swill\sapply"}        

output {
  stdout {  }

I have tried this filter in Grok Debugger: and confirmed that this filter works, however while trying it in the config file, all the entries in the log entries are getting displayed

If your grok pattern does not match what you want then you should drop the message.
Add this line after your grok filter inside the filter{} section

if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop {}

Should look like this:

# contents of logstash\bin\logstash.config

# input
input {
file {
    path => "C:\DATA\packagepromoterdata\diagnostics\ActiveDirectoryTest.log"
    start_position => beginning        

filter {
grok {
          match => { "message" => "Error\sActiveDirectory\sApplication\s%{WORD:App_Name}\sis\sreferenced\sby\sgroups\s%{WORD:AD_Group1}\sand\s%{WORD:AD_Group2}\s-\sonly\spermissions\sfor\s%{WORD:ADGroup_Apply}\swill\sapply"}        

    if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
          drop {}

output {
  stdout {  }

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