Configuring logstash to Check files automatically


I am trying to configure logstash to automatically wake up when a new file apears or when a file is modified.
For sure I can use a script to execute logstash periodically...
But is there any other alternative?
like some configuration for logstash?

Thank you!

Logstash's file input is specifically designed to monitor files and send new data as it arrives, including picking up new files that are added. What have you tried so far that isn't working?

Thank you,

that's all i needed to know,
can I configure logstash to increase the sleep time?
or to specify a sleep time for each file type?

can I configure logstash to increase the sleep time?

Yes. See the file input documentation for what configuration options are supported.

or to specify a sleep time for each file type?

Not within a single file input but you can have multiple file inputs that monitors different kinds of files.