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If you're running on Windows with at least PowerShell 3.0+, you can always give the Elastic.Console PowerShell module a try. It provides a curl-like experience in PowerShell with API path and method completion

To install in PowerShell from the PowerShell gallery

Install-Module Elastic.Console -AllowPrerelease

Upon installation, the module will be configured with the APIs matching the version returned from


If you want to run with a different version of APIs, you can set this with

Set-ElasticsearchVersion 7.6.2

If not already downloaded, this will download the REST API specs of 7.6.2 version, which are used to power autocompletion.

Then, to make an API call

Invoke-Elasticsearch http://localhost:9200/inspections/_doc/_search -Body @'
{ "query": { "match": { "business_name": "soup" } }}

es is an alias for Invoke-Elasticsearch, and http://localhost:9200 is the default protocol, host and port, so this can be shortened to

es inspections/_doc/_search -Body @'
{ "query": { "match": { "business_name": "soup" } }}
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