Convert mapping in the table logstash

good, I need help with the mapping in logstash, I need to change certain metrics to integer, but the metrics go together in a table so it does not let me change them. I attach the configuration in logstash.

input {
  http_poller {
    urls => {
      kvh => "https://Default_Generated_Alteon_BBI_Cert:443/config/SlbStatLinkpfRServerTable"
#    cacert => "/path/downloaded_cert.pem"
    truststore => "/path/downloaded_truststore.jks"
    user => "user"
    password => "secret"
    truststore_password => "secret"
    schedule => { cron => "* * * * * UTC"}
    codec => "json"
#    ssl => true
 #   ssl_certificate_verification => true

output {
   stdout { codec => rubydebug }
 elasticsearch {
    hosts => [""]
    user => "elastic"
    password => "secret"
    index => "radwareefecty"


As you can see in the image the metrics that give number are in string, but all these metrics are in a matrix (table), I need to change them to integer, but with the filter does not let me so they are in a table and not individual.

Can you show us the JSON tab instead of the Table tab please, and just copy the text, do not post a screenshot.

of course, of course, look

  "_index": "radwareefecty",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "mH0rXXkBQzzVpIqvCzkb",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "SlbStatLinkpfRServerTable": [
        "DwBwUSage": "--",
        "TotBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "DnBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwUsage": "--",
        "LastTranfetTmSt": "N/A",
        "DwBwCurr": "0.0",
        "Index": "Claro-Internet4",
        "IpAddr": "",
        "TotBwPeak": "0.0",
        "TotBwPeakPer": "--",
        "UpDnBwTot": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakPer": "--",
        "TotCurrUsage": "--",
        "UpBwTot": "0.0",
        "CurrSess": 0,
        "UpBwCurr": "0.0",
        "DnBwPeakPer": "--",
        "DnBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "State": 2,
        "TotCurrbw": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "DnBwTot": "0.0"
        "DwBwUSage": "--",
        "TotBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "DnBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwUsage": "--",
        "LastTranfetTmSt": "N/A",
        "DwBwCurr": "0.0",
        "Index": "Columbus-Internet5",
        "IpAddr": "",
        "TotBwPeak": "0.0",
        "TotBwPeakPer": "--",
        "UpDnBwTot": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakPer": "--",
        "TotCurrUsage": "--",
        "UpBwTot": "0.0",
        "CurrSess": 0,
        "UpBwCurr": "0.0",
        "DnBwPeakPer": "--",
        "DnBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "State": 2,
        "TotCurrbw": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "DnBwTot": "0.0"
        "DwBwUSage": "--",
        "TotBwPeakTmSt": "02:28:52 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwPeak": "0.1",
        "UpBwPeak": "1.4",
        "UpBwUsage": "--",
        "LastTranfetTmSt": "N/A",
        "DwBwCurr": "0.0",
        "Index": "Internet_Navegacion-Claro_1",
        "IpAddr": "",
        "TotBwPeak": "1.5",
        "TotBwPeakPer": "--",
        "UpDnBwTot": "1620.9",
        "UpBwPeakPer": "--",
        "TotCurrUsage": "--",
        "UpBwTot": "1617.9",
        "CurrSess": 0,
        "UpBwCurr": "0.0",
        "DnBwPeakPer": "--",
        "DnBwPeakTmSt": "01:53:29 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "State": 2,
        "TotCurrbw": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakTmSt": "02:28:52 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwTot": "3.0"
        "DwBwUSage": "--",
        "TotBwPeakTmSt": "01:52:18 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwPeak": "0.3",
        "UpBwPeak": "5.4",
        "UpBwUsage": "--",
        "LastTranfetTmSt": "N/A",
        "DwBwCurr": "0.0",
        "Index": "Internet_Navegacion-Claro_2",
        "IpAddr": "",
        "TotBwPeak": "5.8",
        "TotBwPeakPer": "--",
        "UpDnBwTot": "130.9",
        "UpBwPeakPer": "--",
        "TotCurrUsage": "--",
        "UpBwTot": "125.7",
        "CurrSess": 0,
        "UpBwCurr": "0.0",
        "DnBwPeakPer": "--",
        "DnBwPeakTmSt": "01:52:18 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "State": 2,
        "TotCurrbw": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakTmSt": "01:52:18 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwTot": "5.3"
        "DwBwUSage": "--",
        "TotBwPeakTmSt": "19:53:13 Wed Apr 14, 2021",
        "DnBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwUsage": "--",
        "LastTranfetTmSt": "N/A",
        "DwBwCurr": "0.0",
        "Index": "Internet_Navegacion-UNE_1",
        "IpAddr": "",
        "TotBwPeak": "0.1",
        "TotBwPeakPer": "--",
        "UpDnBwTot": "1.0",
        "UpBwPeakPer": "--",
        "TotCurrUsage": "--",
        "UpBwTot": "0.9",
        "CurrSess": 0,
        "UpBwCurr": "0.0",
        "DnBwPeakPer": "--",
        "DnBwPeakTmSt": "19:53:13 Wed Apr 14, 2021",
        "State": 2,
        "TotCurrbw": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakTmSt": "19:53:13 Wed Apr 14, 2021",
        "DnBwTot": "0.0"
        "DwBwUSage": "--",
        "TotBwPeakTmSt": "01:53:34 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeak": "55.0",
        "UpBwUsage": "--",
        "LastTranfetTmSt": "N/A",
        "DwBwCurr": "0.0",
        "Index": "L2L_Claro",
        "IpAddr": "",
        "TotBwPeak": "55.0",
        "TotBwPeakPer": "--",
        "UpDnBwTot": "55.6",
        "UpBwPeakPer": "--",
        "TotCurrUsage": "--",
        "UpBwTot": "55.6",
        "CurrSess": 0,
        "UpBwCurr": "0.0",
        "DnBwPeakPer": "--",
        "DnBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "State": 1,
        "TotCurrbw": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakTmSt": "01:53:34 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwTot": "0.0"
        "DwBwUSage": "--",
        "TotBwPeakTmSt": "01:52:38 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwPeak": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeak": "0.8",
        "UpBwUsage": "--",
        "LastTranfetTmSt": "N/A",
        "DwBwCurr": "0.0",
        "Index": "L2L_CyW",
        "IpAddr": "",
        "TotBwPeak": "0.8",
        "TotBwPeakPer": "--",
        "UpDnBwTot": "3.8",
        "UpBwPeakPer": "--",
        "TotCurrUsage": "--",
        "UpBwTot": "3.8",
        "CurrSess": 0,
        "UpBwCurr": "0.0",
        "DnBwPeakPer": "--",
        "DnBwPeakTmSt": "N/A",
        "State": 1,
        "TotCurrbw": "0.0",
        "UpBwPeakTmSt": "01:52:38 Sat May  1, 2021",
        "DnBwTot": "0.0"
    "@timestamp": "2021-05-11T20:41:00.284Z",
    "@version": "1"
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [

the number value is in string (" ")

OK, so it is an array of hashes... you could do

    ruby {
        code => '
            def is_number? string
                true if Float(string) rescue false

            t = event.get("SlbStatLinkpfRServerTable")
            if t
                newT = []
                t.each { |x|
                    newX = {}
                    x.each { |k, v|
                        if is_number? v
                            v = v.to_f
                        newX[k] = v
                    newT << newX
                t = event.set("SlbStatLinkpfRServerTable", newT)

that will convert anything that is a valid string representation of a float (that includes integers) to a float. If you want integers to be integers you will have to have a second helper function similar to is_number? to check is_integer? and add an else branch to the if.

ok but how would it go in the input?

You would wrap it in

filter {

Filters are not inputs or outputs.

ok very thanks, I've learned , thanks you!

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