Convert value for nested json array

I have a json input like this one:
"fieldA" : "valueA",
"fieldB" : [ { "nestedstring" : "string1a", "nestedint": number1b }, { "nestedstring" : "string2a", "nestedint": number2b }, ...]

I would like to convert the type of all "nestedint" from number (long integer) to string ... I have made some test like:
ruby {
code => "
event.get('fieldB').each { |k|
k['nestedint'] = k['nestedint'].to_s

But ... without any result (and without any error) ... how can I solve my problem?

Thanks in advance

Well, there are a couple issues with the above:

  1. You need to use the .set method to alter a field inside a Ruby block.
  2. You need to provide a full tree path on the .set method to change that field.

A solution would be to iterate with index and use that to construct the full path, like so

    ruby {
        code => "
            event.get('fieldB').each_index { |i|
                event.set('[fieldB]['+i.to_s+'][nestedint]', event.get('[fieldB]['+i.to_s+'][nestedint]').to_s)
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Thank you!

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