Could not connect to SQL DB using JDBC in Logstash

Hi All,

I am trying to connect SQL DB with Logstash. Getting exception please refer attachment

Below is the Logstash code

input {

jdbc {

           jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:sqlserver://server;databaseName=EmployeeDB,integratedSecurity=true;"

            jdbc_user => "sa"

    jdbc_password => "sa"


    jdbc_driver_library => "C:/ELk/sqljdbc_4.2/enu/jre8/sqljdbc42.jar"

    # The name of the driver class for SqlServer

    jdbc_driver_class => ""

    # Query for testing purpos

    statement => "SELECT * from details"



output {


         hosts => [""]

         index => "indexsql"


    stdout{ codec => rubydebug}


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