Count the number of rows(lines) in a CSV file

Hey guys,

i'm trying to count the number of rows in my csv file (it contain 2631 row) and save it in a variable.
I used ruby filter but it didn't work so i tried using the metric filter but i get an result that i even don't undrestand.
Is there any way to count the number of rows using this filter or an other one?
Here is my code and the result that i get:



        path => "C:/Users/SOUMAYA/Desktop/couverture_2g.csv"

        start_position => "beginning"

        sincedb_path => "NUL"

        codec => plain { charset => "CP1252" }




    csv {

        separator => ";"

        columns => [ "Message",







        convert => {

            "Longitude" => "float"

            "Latitude" => "float"

            "ServRxLevIdle" => "float" 



    mutate { rename => ["ServRxLevIdle",  Contrainte] }

    mutate { add_field => { "Location" => ["%{[Latitude]}","%{[Longitude]}"] } }   

    mutate { convert=> ["Location",  "float"] }

    date { match => [ "time", "dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss" ] }

    metrics {

        meter => "%{@timestamp}_count"  

        add_tag => "metrics"




        elasticsearch { 

                    action => "index"

                    hosts => ["http://localhost:9200/"] 

                    index => "monica"



        stdout { codec => rubydebug }


The console:

    "2020-06-18T08:57:46.675Z_count" => {
        "rate_15m" => 0.3659788914920122,
         "rate_1m" => 0.10543885524629079,
         "rate_5m" => 0.30637133534585953,
           "count" => 2
    "2020-06-18T08:57:53.676Z_count" => {
        "rate_15m" => 4.940715035142166,
         "rate_1m" => 1.4234245458249257,
         "rate_5m" => 4.136013027169103,
           "count" => 27
    "2020-06-18T08:57:57.711Z_count" => {
        "rate_15m" => 0.1850339994068403,
         "rate_1m" => 0.06228064478291957,
         "rate_5m" => 0.15837791326735637,
           "count" => 1
    "2020-06-18T08:57:56.533Z_count" => {
        "rate_15m" => 0.5489683372380184,
         "rate_1m" => 0.15815828286943623,
         "rate_5m" => 0.4595570030187892,
           "count" => 3
    "2020-06-18T08:57:36.776Z_count" => {
        "rate_15m" => 0.363951312806147,
         "rate_1m" => 0.09700842985425956,
         "rate_5m" => 0.30130746258186275,
           "count" => 2

Could you please help me ?

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