Create field depending on array index value

What I want to do is depending on the ID, array index 0, is to instead put the ID label, array index 1 into the new field Command.

My current filter config looks like this:

filter {
    xml {
        source => 'message'
        target => 'doc'
    mutate {
        remove_field => 'message'
        split => {"[doc][Message]" => "	"}
    if "%{[doc][Message][0]}" == "3D3D3D3D3D" {
        mutate {
            add_field => [ "Command", "%{[doc][Message][1]}" ]
    else {
        mutate {
            add_field => [ "Command", "%{[doc][Message][0]}" ]

If index 0 is 3D3D3D3D3D I want to instead pull up the command label which is at index 1.

As it is now it just continues with the else and puts 3D3D3D3D3D in the Command field.

That should be

if [doc][Message][0] == "3D3D3D3D3D" {

So close, yet so far.


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